Founded in 2015, PAASP is the first full-service consulting and auditing company that specializes in providing assessment of operational risks related to quality of research data. Our focus is on organizations that create value by conducting drug discovery research. For historical reasons, early-phase preclinical drug discovery research is largely exempt from quality control. However, these non-regulated areas of drug research and development are the key for generating value. PAASP enhances productivity of pharma R&D by securing high quality of research data and thereby decisions that are based on the data.

Value Proposition
Success enrichment via research quality: PAASP enhances the value of conventional due diligence by mitigating the risks associated with potential deficiencies in research rigor and data integrity.

Unique Analytics Platform
Our platform, PAASPort®, detects potential sources of bias and violations against Good Research Practice during study design, conduct, data analysis, reporting and storage. PAASPort® encompasses over 160 key quality indicators for preclinical studies. The main outcome of this evaluation process is an assessment of actual and apparent risk factors, which influence the integrity and robustness of research data. This data quality-based due diligence process is a cornerstone for success in biotech investment and reduces the risk for investments to end up as a commercial failure. The PAASPort® is the only currently available tool enabling systematic and comparative analysis of preclinical data quality and thereby rational decision-making in the early-phase drug discovery investments.

EQIPD Quality Principles
PAASPort® is fully compliant with the research rigor and data integrity standards developed by the Enhancing Quality in Preclinical Data (EQIPD) consortium, a group of experts from 110+ institutions across 14 different countries ( representing biopharma, academia, CROs, publishers, funders, learned societies and professional societies in Europe and the US.