We provide a host of services to support you and your team’s efforts to
Eliminating potential sources of research bias increases research value

We partner with you to assess data quality by identifying and addressing all potential sources of bias. The assessment includes:
- Design of research studies
- Data handling, storage and statistical analysis
- Analysis of risk factors and protective measures
- Interviews with scientists and management

We provide quality assurance support to meet grant funding requirements, with dedicated work packages to demonstrate research rigor in academic projects. The support includes:
- Good Research Practice training for all project participants
- Study design assistance
- Spot checks once the study is underway
- QA/QC reporting at the end of the project

We can get research data and documentation in line with best research practices, evaluating:
- How statistical analyses were conducted
- The transparent and traceable storage of raw data
- Compliance with specific relevant and technical guidelines
- Adherence to ALCOAplus
- Awareness of research bias
- Documentation comprehensiveness

We offer strategic guidance for planning and conducting drug discovery projects, including:
- Setting up robust study designs
- Designing “killer experiments” and defining “Go or No Go” criteria
- Performing mock due diligence for licensing discussions
- Guiding prioritization of further research efforts

We conduct tailored workshops, seminars, and lectures on best research practices for bench scientists, focusing on:
- Meaningful sample size and statistical power
- Best practices in raw data handling, record-keeping and documentation
- How to recognize data likely to be irreproducible
- Case studies and analysis of scientific publications
- How to generate reproducible data
- Tools and guidelines for producing high quality research data