Two reproducibility symposia were held during the 29th annual congress of European College of Neuropsychopharmacology on September 20, 2016 (link):
For a number of years, much of the so called reproducibility discussion was largely limited to describing the phenomenon of strikingly low robustness of preclinical data. Now, the focus of the discussion is shifting towards the identification of measures that can be taken at different levels – from scientists to publishers – to change the situation. During these two symposia, there were a number of talks that discussed strategies which can be followed by publishers and editors (Mark Weiser, Tel-Aviv University), the role of adequate statistical power (Marcus Munafo, Bristol University), efforts by the pharma industry (Thomas Steckler, Janssen) and funding agencies (Frances Rawle, UK Medical Research Council, link), etc.

The talk by PAASP’s Anton Bespalov addressed „Path forward strategies to improved data quality in preclinical research“. In his talk, Anton emphasized what can be done by individual scientists today and without any additional financial support: revisiting the basics of good scientific practice (such as the statistical power, link), adhering to transparent reporting, and not hesitating to seek professional advice when needed (most importantly, working in a close collaboration with biostatistics experts).