E-learning platforms and Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) are picking up momentum in popularity and are an emerging new model for education and training that delivers videotaped lectures and other course materials over the Internet for students and scientists at many different levels. These novel educational technologies do not only represent tools for learning, but they have the potential to become a catalyst for changing the whole education system.
MOOCs can come in the form of active course sessions with participant interaction, or as archived content for self-paced study. These courses can be free, or there can be a charge – either on a subscription basis or a one-time charge. Free MOOCs sometimes have a paid ‘verified certificate’ option at the end.
However, besides its benefits, MOOCs also face some challenges (e.g. Intellectual property issues, high drop-out rates, impeded discussions amongst participants) and time will tell how they will shape the future of higher education.
Some of the most popular MOOC platforms and E-learning course providers are:
Coursera, Epigeum, FutureLearn, edX, Iversity, Pluralsight, Khan Academy, Udemy, Udacity and Eliademy.
As there are now thousands of MOOCs available worldwide from different sources, we will summarize and update in this section relevant MOOCs and online courses, which are related to the area of data integrity, data analysis and Good Scientific Practice:
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