PAASP (AB and BG) was invited by the Fraunhofer Project Group for Translational Medicine and Pharmacology (TMP) to give a lecture about “Research data robustness and its impact on modern drug discovery and development” to students of The Graduate School for Translational Research Innovation – Pharma at the Göthe-University Frankfurt.
BioELN: PAASP is developing a new generation of Electronic Laboratory Notebooks (ELN) that would support implementation and maintenance of GSP in laboratories performing biomedical research.
Later in 2016, PAASP will hold a kick-off meeting aimed at the development of specific GSP guidelines and standards for the area of drug discovery and development. Participants will be from academia, pharma, funding agencies and publishers and we are working on the different organizational aspects for setting up the meeting. We will update you with more details soon.
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