We support you and your team’s efforts to generate robust data, evaluate data quality, and inform decision-making

Academic scientists

We have developed services and user-friendly tools to support academic scientists in achieving their objectives:

  • Train your students and postdocs on various aspects of Good Research Practice – face-to-face or online (contact Prof Martin Michel)
  • Increase the probability that your next project is funded and delivers most reliable data – include a Quality Module in your grant application (covering aspects of research rigor, data management and integrity)
  • Demonstrate the quality of your research to your funding organization – use the free-access Good Research Tool to generate summary statements ready to be included in your next grant application

Funders of biomedical research

We have developed services and user-friendly tools that help you and your grantees to align on critical rigor and data integrity aspects of research that you fund

  • Further increase the quality of your funded research – recommend grant applicants to use the free-access Good Research Tool to generate summary statements ready to be included in their next grant application
  • Invest into the future of biomedical research – support training of students and postdocs on Good Research Practice, please contact Dr Björn Gerlach for details
  • Make sure that your efforts to enhance quality of funded research reach their goals – please contact Dr Christoph Emmerich to learn about available programs

Private investors and venture capital firms

We have developed a number of services and user-friendly tools that help you to de-risk your next investment

  • Find the weakest link in the supporting evidence: our proprietary PAASPort® tool assesses actual and apparent risk factors, which influence the integrity and robustness of research data
  • Design and execute decision-enabling studies: our team of experts in various fields of drug discovery and development supports delivery of the highest quality data package in a time- and resource-efficient manner – please contact Dr Anton Bespalov for details

Contract Research Organizations

We have developed a number of services and user-friendly tools that help you to enhance competitiveness and to build advanced pricing models

  • Demonstrate adherence to Good Research Practice: use the free-access Good Research Tool to generate summary statements ready to be shared with your customers
  • Obtain the EQIPD Quality Label: implement the Quality System developed by EQIPD and have it assessed and certified by the PAASP team
  • Train your staff on various aspects of Good Research Practice – face-to-face or online, please contact Prof. Martin Michel to enroll in the next course

Biopharma and biotech organizations

We have developed several services and user-friendly tools that help you to generate and use robust and reliable preclinical data

  • Maximize confidence in data delivered by collaboration partners: our proprietary PAASPort® tool assesses actual and apparent risk factors, which influence the integrity and robustness of research data
  • Obtain the EQIPD Quality Label: implement the Quality System developed by EQIPD and have it assessed and certified by the PAASP team
  • Train your staff on various aspects of Good Research Practice – face-to-face or online, please contact Prof. Martin Michel to enroll in the next course