Ulrich Dirnagl, MD, PhD, is the Director of the Department of Experimental Neurology at the Charité Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Chief Executive Director of the Center for Stroke Research Berlin, Clinical program coordinator of the Excellence Cluster NeuroCure and the Berlin partner site of the German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases (DZNE), as well as Program Director of the International Graduate Program Medical Neuroscience. Prof. Dirnagl studied medicine at Ludwig Maximilians University in Munich, where he also obtained a PhD in Neuroscience. The research of Ulrich Dirnagl is focused on stroke, cerebral blood flow regulation, and brain imaging. To improve the predictiveness of preclinical translational research, he is actively promoting the introduction of quality standards for experimental design and reporting, as well as international collaboration in large, phase III-type preclinical trials.

Visit Prof Dirnagl’s blog at https://dirnagl.com.

Publication highlights:

Dirnagl U, Przesdzing I (2016) A pocket guide to electronic laboratory notebooks in the academic life sciences. F1000 Res 5:2.

Holman C, Piper SK, Grittner U, Diamantaras AA, Kimmelman J, Siegerink B, Dirnagl U (2016) Where have all the rodents Gone? The effects of attrition in experimental research on cancer and stroke. PLoS Biol 14(1):e1002331.

Begley CG, Buchan AM, Dirnagl U (2015) Robust research: Institutions must do their part for reproducibility. Nature 525: 25-7.