Representing the GOT-IT Team, Christoph Emmerich presented the GOT-IT Guidelines at the “BMBF Vernetzungstreffen zur Nationalen Wirkstoffinitiative” on the 8th of October 2019, which was attended by academic PIs, industry representatives, officials from the Federal Ministry of Education and Research and members of the German Parliament.
Furthermore, PAASP co-organized and led a workshop on target validation for academic PIs and scientists based on the GOT-IT Guidelines on October 22nd.
The main objective of the GOT-IT project is to support advancement of academic discoveries towards a collaboration with industry and to: a) help scientists focus and prioritize activities, b) increase the confidence in the right target by conducting relevant ‘Killer Experiments’ and to c) facilitate decision-making based on robust and high-quality data sets.
The guidelines will be available and published in an open-access journal in the next few weeks.

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