By: Björn

Additional Reads in March 2016
March 20, 2016

Robust science needs robust corrections. David Allison and his colleagues argue that mistakes in peer-reviewed papers are easy to find but hard…

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Presented data do not always support conclusions made in a paper
March 20, 2016

We will continue presenting Case Study publications that have received a lot of interest among the scientific community (and sometimes even in mass…

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Retraction analysis: Can GSP governance make a difference?
March 20, 2016

During the past decade, the number of retractions increased dramatically, even when normalized by the total number of articles published in…

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What do people mean when saying that studies were done in a blinded fashion?
March 20, 2016

We have evaluated blinding procedures at 12 academic labs, 7 contract research organisations (CROs), and 4 industrial pharmacology labs and obtained…

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DGGF Membership
March 20, 2016

DGGF MembershipPAASP became a member of the DGGF (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Gute Forschungspraxis; German Society for Good Research Practice).The DGGF is the largest…

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March 2016
March 7, 2016

PAASP became a member of the German Society for Good Research Practice (DGGF) – Read more Blinding analysis: Are all ‘blinded’ studies done blind? – Read more…

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Irreproducibility in Preclinical Biomedical Research: Perceptions, Uncertainties, and Knowledge Gaps.
February 28, 2016

Over the last several years, many articles and commentaries were written on the subject of „reproducibility of research data“. In this…

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Sperm RNA carries marks of trauma
February 20, 2016

We will use this Case Study section to draw your attention to publications that have received a lot of attention in the scientific…

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Additional Reads February 2016
February 20, 2016

Use of positive and negative words in scientific PubMed abstracts between 1974 and 2014: retrospective analysis. Christiaan Vinkers and colleagues at Utrecht…

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Meeting Report ‘Critique as a professional service?’ Berlin, Dec 2015
February 20, 2016

‘Critique as a professional service?’ was the title of the anniversary conference by the Institute for Research Information and Quality Assurance (iFQ) held…

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